In response to the request from the Legislative Council Subcommittee to Study the Implementation of Free Kindergarten Education, PECERA (Hong Kong) submitted this Blueprint for Developing Quality Early Childhood Education.

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Meeting with Professor Iram Siraj

We are honored to have Professor Iram Siraj engaging in a professional dialogue with the professional development coaches of PECERA-HK on August 22nd, 2024. Our


《家長貼士講座系列》太平洋區幼兒教育研究學會(香港)在6月27日晚上圓滿結束。   講座上,楊醫生分享了不少口腔護理的知識,如乳齒對恆齒發育的影響、牙齒的發育進程及注意事項。楊醫生指天然的碳水化合物亦有機會造成蛀牙,因此應留意健康飲食及清潔的習慣,亦分享了為不同年齡幼兒選擇牙刷種類及牙膏的貼士,並使用牙齒模型補充展示刷牙的技巧。楊醫生亦分享了0-6歲不同階段的幼兒口腔護理要點。參加者於答問環節踴躍提問不少關於日常幼兒口腔成長及照顧的疑問,楊醫生亦一一解答。   學會稍後會安排重溫,有興趣人士請密注關注本會的消息。    (Chinese version only)