Visiting Fuji Kindergarten – learning ECE approaches in Japan
On August 5th, representatives of PECERA-HK visited Fuji Kindergarten in Tokyo, Japan. Mr. Sekiichi Kato, the principal of Fuji Kindergarten, introduced their campus with many
On August 5th, representatives of PECERA-HK visited Fuji Kindergarten in Tokyo, Japan. Mr. Sekiichi Kato, the principal of Fuji Kindergarten, introduced their campus with many
On August 1st, the PECERA-HK Dinner in Japan hosted by Dr. Maria Lee, the President of PECERA-HK, was successfully conducted. It provided a warm and
太平洋區幼兒教育研究學會(香港)主席及團隊獲邀出席賽馬會幼兒「喜步」計劃2.0的業界交流會,主席李麗雲博士在會上作出分享,團隊亦與「喜步」計劃2.0的參與機構、醫療健康團隊及幼兒中心的辦學團體、中心代表有不少的交流。 (Chinese version only)
本學會主席李麗雲博士於2月2日出席了賽馬會「智.幼.趣」計劃 (第二階段) 啟動禮暨分享會。 (Chinese version only)
承蒙邀請,學會出席了香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院所舉辦,由前中大商學院副院長范建強教授主講,以「孩子往上流、父母與祖父母的角色」為題的「親子教育多面睇」系列第三場講座。范教授的演講深入淺出,引人入勝。講座結束後,我們亦參觀了元朗博愛江夏圍村。期待日後學會與香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院繼續有更多合作與交流的機會。 (Chinese version only)
本學會的政策及倡導專責小組成員,吳嘉儀博士及黃佩麗女士於11月10日出席了《強制舉報虐待兒童條例草案》委員會的第三次會議,連同本學會在內,共有16個團體對草案提出建議。 (Chinese version only)
20th PECERA Annual Conference – “Childhood of Tomorrow” at Taipei City.
19th PECERA Annual Conference – “Start Right: Begin the Journey Right For Every Child” at Sarawak, Malaysia.