Public seminar on “Design for Creativity: Empowerment for Early Childhood Curriculum”.

In recent years there has been a growing understanding of creativity correlated with cultural awareness and a significant increase in the promotion of creativity at all levels within schools. Creativity addresses the way teachers/facilitators reshape the curriculum to better enable children to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. The Hong Kong Chapter of Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) organized a seminar on March 23, 2009 that had inspired minds of innovation and explored how we could empower children’s creative development in early childhood curriculum.

Dr. Yan-yan Lam and Mr. Kelvin Tam of the Hong Kong Design Institute shared on the topic “Chinese cultural resources as inspiration for design education: reference for enrichment of early childhood curriculum”. They looked into cultures and had inspired the audience on how Chinese cultural resources could be used in early childhood curriculum to nurture children’s creativity. It was then followed by sharing in response to the topic by PECERA (HK) Executive Committee members Mrs Chu Tang Lai-Kuen and Dr Maria Lee. The audience showed great interest in this subject and had welcome the new and inspiring ideas.


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承蒙邀請,學會出席了香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院所舉辦,由前中大商學院副院長范建強教授主講,以「孩子往上流、父母與祖父母的角色」為題的「親子教育多面睇」系列第三場講座。范教授的演講深入淺出,引人入勝。講座結束後,我們亦參觀了元朗博愛江夏圍村。期待日後學會與香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院繼續有更多合作與交流的機會。 (Chinese version only)


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