PECERA (Hong Kong) Annual Meeting 2008 cum seminar on “How to be a Learning Community in ECE”.

PECERA (Hong Kong) has been playing the role as an international forum facilitating dialogue and exchange among local and international professionals working for the benefit of young children. The Annual Meeting 2008 was held on November 29, 2008 with about 200 participants of educators and parents in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region.

Participants received a warm welcome address by Dr. Betty Chan, President of PECERA (Hong Kong). Dr. Won-young Rhee, President of PECERA (International), who came all the way from Korea to Hong Kong, was also invited onto the stage to give an address. Ms. Maria Lee, Vice-President and Treasurer of PECERA (Hong Kong), delivered an annual report of the work done in 2008 and a projection of the upcoming year.

Dr. Betty Chan presented the paper “How to be a Learning Community in Early Childhood Education”, which was the concerted efforts of a group of members and ECE professionals. It was contributed to the PECERA Annual Conference 2008 in Bangkok and was first presented there. The paper explored the concept of “learning community” by identifying the qualities of a learning organization and a learning individual, sharing a common vision and establishing a sense of belonging in the community. She believed that such a concept should be cultivated in the early childhood education. PECERA (Hong Kong) was privileged to have Dr. Thelma Harms, Research Professor Emerita of Frank Graham Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hills, as the guest speaker. She delivered an informative address on “Innovative Responses to the Challenge of Improving Early Childhood Education: Quality Rating and Improvement Systems”. She is known as the lead author of the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (Revised edition), the field tested observation instruments designed to measure the quality of early care and education environments. The question-and-answer session with Dr. Thelma Harms was chaired by Prof. Albert Lee, PECERA (Hong Kong) Executive Committee Member and Director of Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Annual Meeting 2008 was completed in the applause and the overwhelming responses of the participants.


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太平洋區幼兒教育研究學會(香港)(PECERA-HK)回應《行政長官 2024 年施政報告》(Chinese Version Only)

(Chinese Version Only) 點擊查看回應原文   太平洋區幼兒教育研究學會(香港)(PECERA-HK) 回應《行政長官2024年施政報告》   太平洋區幼兒教育研究學會(香港)的首要宗旨是為幼兒教育專業研究學者及從事促進幼兒發展與成長的同工及專業人士,提供學術交流與合作的平台,以攜手促進幼兒發展,提升教育質素。兒童的成長與發展一直是本學會的重點關注。   本學會現謹就《施政報告》中有關「構建關愛共融社會」等範疇提出以下回應:     第八章「惠民生 添幸福」、第五節「構建關愛共融社會」、有關「保護兒童」內容:   205. 立法會已通過《強制舉報虐待兒童條例》,規定社福界、教育界及醫療衞生界的專業人士必須舉報嚴重虐兒個案。為加強育兒教育,社署會推出試驗計劃,成立四間「社區親子中心」,以遊戲為本方式促進親子互動及教導家長正向育兒方法,支援有需要的家庭。     強制舉報虐待兒童條例   本學會歡迎通過上述條例,確立保護兒童的重要性,並為從事兒童工作的業界提供《強制舉報指南》。我們建議建立一個定期更新且持續優化的機制,為前線工作人員提供與時俱進的實務指引。同時,應為各持分者提供相關培訓,並持續進行社會宣傳教育,以提升社會大眾對保護兒童重要性的認識及關注。   由於涉及責任舉報的專業人員眾多,本學會特別關注相關培訓及資源配套的配置,讓專業人員及早熟悉通報制度及執行程序。同時,我們看重如何避免案主或個案處理過程中出現二次傷害,因而期望能完善保護兒童個案的數據管理,並分析相關個案狀況,以梳理出本港虐兒的核心問題,從而進行更有效的預防及支援。此外,建議邀請學術機構參與長期追蹤研究,完善專業培訓,並推動政策及社會教育多層面的發展,促進家庭與幼兒健康成長,奠定本港在教育與研究並重的樞紐地位。