Virtual public seminar on “Maintaining physical and psycho-social well-being for students and staff in Early Childhood Education Setting under COVID-19”

Virtual public seminar on “Maintaining physical and psycho-social well-being for students and staff in Early Childhood Education Setting under COVID-19”, supported by Centre for Health Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Health Promotion Foundation.

Virtual public seminar

Professor Albert Lee

Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association – Hong Kong Chapter (PECERA-HK) is very pleased to organize an online public seminar on “Maintaining physical and psycho-social well-being for students and staff in Early Childhood Education Setting under COVID-19”, supported by Centre for Health Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Health Promotion and Hong Kong Health Education and Health Promotion Foundation

Professor Albert Lee is Clinical Professor of Public Health and Primary Care and Founding Director of Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also founding member of Steering Committee of Alliance for Healthy Cities (AFHC) (2003-2010, 2014-2023).

Professor Lee obtained Medical Degree (MB BS) from the University of London (UCL-Middlesex) in 1984 and Law Degree (LLB) from University of London in 2015. He was awarded higher academic and/or professional qualifications in Family Medicine, Public Health, Legal Medicine, Education, Law, Arbitration and Education including doctorate degree in Medicine (MD) and also MPH, Fellowships from Royal Colleges in Australia, Ireland and UK, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Australasian and American Colleges of Legal Medicine, Master of Law with distinction (LLM-Arbitration and Dispute Resolution) from City University of Hong Kong. Albert completed Practical Legal Training at College of Law, Australia with higher distinction/distinction in core and elective subjects in December 2020 and admission as Australian Lawyer (NSW) in March 2021.

Albert is world-renowned pioneer in global health particularly on school health, healthy city, equity in health and primary health care, and medico-legal and conflict resolutions, and healthcare law and ethics are his emerging research interest areas. His contributions are recognised by his election to the US National Academy of Medicine in 2012, first elected from Hong Kong, election as Honorary Fellow of UK Faculty of Public Health (the highest accolade of the Faculty), and also appointed as WHO advisor on many occasions. He received AFHC Award for Pioneers in Healthy City Research in 2014.

He is senior fellow and certified Sustainable Development Planner of World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners. He is member of Executive Board of Journal Medicine and Law (official journal of World Association of Medical Law), and editor of 2018 March Issue on “Better Education and Training to prevent Medical Mishap”.


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《家長貼士講座系列》太平洋區幼兒教育研究學會(香港)在6月27日晚上圓滿結束。   講座上,楊醫生分享了不少口腔護理的知識,如乳齒對恆齒發育的影響、牙齒的發育進程及注意事項。楊醫生指天然的碳水化合物亦有機會造成蛀牙,因此應留意健康飲食及清潔的習慣,亦分享了為不同年齡幼兒選擇牙刷種類及牙膏的貼士,並使用牙齒模型補充展示刷牙的技巧。楊醫生亦分享了0-6歲不同階段的幼兒口腔護理要點。參加者於答問環節踴躍提問不少關於日常幼兒口腔成長及照顧的疑問,楊醫生亦一一解答。   學會稍後會安排重溫,有興趣人士請密注關注本會的消息。    (Chinese version only)  


太平洋區幼兒教育研究學會(香港)主席及團隊獲邀出席賽馬會幼兒「喜步」計劃2.0的業界交流會,主席李麗雲博士在會上作出分享,團隊亦與「喜步」計劃2.0的參與機構、醫療健康團隊及幼兒中心的辦學團體、中心代表有不少的交流。 (Chinese version only)

《家長貼士講座系列》免費線上公開講座 – 0至6歲嬰幼兒口腔護理 (In Chinese)

  《家長貼士講座系列》將於2024年6月27日(星期四)下午6時30分舉行第二場線上公開講座,希望藉由專家「貼士」,為家長減輕育兒壓力。賽馬會幼童健齒計劃的楊光俊牙科醫生將與家長分享「0至6歲嬰幼兒口腔護理」的要點,包括蛀牙成因與預防方法及其他常見口腔問題。   我們誠意邀請家長、教育界同工與學生、以及對此課題有興趣之公眾人士參加是次講座。活動詳情如下: 日期: 2024年6月27日(星期四) 時間: 下午6時30分至7時30分 講者: 楊光俊牙科醫生 語言: 粵語 費用: 全免 報名連結及詳情: (請按此) 本活動將於網上平台ZOOM進行。成功登記後,參加者將收到確認信息及活動連結。    如有查詢,請電郵至,聯絡太平洋區幼兒教育研究學會(香港)秘書處。      楊光俊牙科醫生簡歷香港大學牙醫學院臨床醫生、賽馬會幼童健齒計劃牙科醫生。楊醫生是香港大學牙醫學士及哲學博士,亦是澳紐皇家牙醫學院院士及格拉斯哥皇家醫學院牙科院士。